Posted by: distributorcap | March 22, 2009

Child’s Play

Now that my ranting is over, it is time to get down to serious stuff. Since times are so tough these days, rather than always think of the bad things – we should be buying some new toys to entertain ourselves. Here is the current crop of playthings – available at your nearest retailer who has not gone out of business.

Remember Garbage Pail Kids – we now have the Inside the Beltway version.

No comments about Tinky Mary

A for a real life game to challenge you

Everybody, even little girls, wants a car

An old favorite – etch-a-sketch

For Family fun – there is Rock ’em Sock ’em Bushbots (Xanax sold separately)

Anatomically correct Barbie and Ken

and when you are done playing.. Sister Sarah will make you lunch


  1. Teletitties…what a bunch of dick-heads…LOL

  2. Sister Sarah serves shit, that might be my new bumper sticker!

  3. Good of you to rebrand that Teletitties product, DCap – the old merch just wasn’t moving like it should.;>)

  4. John Bonehead in the toilet~ Charming!And yes, Sarah P was “shocked” at Obamas special olympics gaffe on Leno, but yet found rejecting half the STIM money for the State of Alaska– which funds special needs programs was perfectly acceptable. Ahhhhh…. hypocrisy is in the air. Lunch is served!!! Would you like some OIL with that???

  5. Uhhhh… You owe me a new keyboard.

  6. i think you need to rename the etch-a-sketch retch-a-kvetch

  7. omg……please – you are killing me….the Sister Sarah Sandwich- omg, I won;t be able to walk my dog without laughing my head off………( and I thought the Pull toy Trig was bad on Bill Maher….LOL)( ahem – I think Someone had a better day…..good for you…and good for us..)

  8. Right on man, and here’s to being a free man in Paris, too. Again.

  9. Cackling Granny Babs would kill to have a rack like that. So firm, so upright and so perfectly formed.Now her titties sag and hang down to her waist. But after all, she is 300 years old.

  10. Skylers Dad-yep that’s a great tongue twister…Christopher-just like that classic Bill Hicks skit!Dcap this is great!!

  11. Is it wrong that I caught a little sexual buzz off those Teletitties?Man, I need to get out more.

  12. Holy crap, these are some scary-ass toys!

  13. OMFG that Barbara Bush one is funny.I think I had teletitties.

  14. Damn…just damn. 🙂

  15. Ha! These are great!

  16. thanks dr z — and coming from you!LOL

  17. Hahaha what a funny pictures, the teletubbies photo is one of the best for the faces and the things each one of them has in the head.

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