Posted by: distributorcap | November 20, 2009

The Picture of Sarah Palin

Remember the Picture of Dorian Gray? Well for her next book, we have The Picture of Sarah Palin, a work of non-fiction by Oscar Mayer

After she is thrusted into the world by an old man with vitamin breath, a young governor named Sarah Palin captures the fancy of the right-wing lunatics, including ghost-artist Rich van Lowry. van Lowry is uber-impressed by Palin’s deep sense of intellectual incuriousity, her lack of knowledge of Supreme Court decisions and of course her radiant beauty-pageant looks. He becomes infatuated with her, believing the twinkle in her eye and smell of sulfur from her ass is the magic is responsible for a new mode of stupidity sweeping the nation. von Lowry offers to ghost-paint a portrait he will title – The Portrait of a Governor as a Young Quitter.

One afternoon, while posing for von Lorwy in his studio, Palin meets Lord Glenn Beck, a friend of von Lowry’s and the town crier. She becomes enthralled by Lord Glenn’s world view on death panels as a form of liberal population control and his broad knowledge of socialists in government. Beck is of a new breed (to say the least) – one who espouses hedonism and hate of all things non-white and non-christian.

Lord Glenn suggests the only things worth pursuing in life are beauty and the trashing of the Obama. Upon hearing the ideology of Lord Glenn, Palin realizes that it is her beauty-pageant looks that drives men to staining their underwear, not her proximity to Russia. Palin begins to panic, and cries out for her desire to remain forever young. Lord Glenn, never one to pass up an offer like that, tells Palin he will make the painting von Lowry is creating age into an old bag instead of Sarah herself – but for a price. Palin agrees and with the ringing of the town crier bell – her wish is fulfilled.

Palin is plunged into a world of million dollar Valentino wardrobes, caviar and vodka from Russia, debauchery with the Log Cabins in Key West, guest shots on Oprah, erotic poses for Runner’s World magazine and some very unmentionable raunchy behavior. As proof of her freedom from aging – Palin does a 10 page Hustler spread with her ex-future son-in-law, complete with a bear rug and moose antlers.

But for poor Sarah, the price she has paid is turning out to be very high. As part of the pact with Lord Beck, she is forced to walk by the von Lowry picture every day. Each time she swirls down her staircase like Loretta Young, the changing portrait serves as a reminder to her that her (lack of a) soul was for sale. With each and every sin, lie and act of narcissism displayed by the quitter, the magnificent work of art morphs slowly into an old bag first lady.

There – you have the synposis, now go buy the book. The movie is due out in 2012 starring Carrie Prejean as Sarah Palin and Larry King as the man with the vitamin breath.

About the author – Oscar Mayer, longtime purveyor of ham, was recently convicted of putting his sausage in the wrong place. When it comes to writing though, Mayer (like Palin) has a way with b-o-l-o-g-n-a.



  1. I read an account of Sarah Palin's Going Rouge appearance in Grand Rapids, MI online.Suffice to say, the people who waited up to 12 hours are who I refer to as Palinites.Most are religious conservatives, many women with daughters who say some version of "I want my daughter to grow up and be just like Sarah Palin," straight men who want to nail Palin from behind, and even a few disenfranchised Hillbots still bitter over the outcome of the 2008 primary and who see Palin as a viable choice for 2012.That's quite a bizarre and ragtag lot of people. Palin's book, ghostwritten by the viciously homophobic, Lynn Vincent, is filled with lies and inaccuracies and tries to mask many of Palin's more radical, religious beliefs.One of those is her rejection of evolution. Palin thinks all life began on earth 6,000 years ago and humans and dinosaurs co-existed. Can you imagine having that mess in the White House?

  2. She's as witty as Oscar Wilde. Of course, poor Oscar is dead.

  3. There's a King Vitamin breakfast cereal photoshop in there somewhere.

  4. love it!p.s. make sure to come over to the raisin tonight (after 7), and look at the poster carefully. ;o)

  5. Dear Mr. Distributor Cap,I am a 72-year-old widow from Indiana who just loves Sarah Palin.Yesterday, I emptied out my cookie jar, took the $14.74 and rode the bus into town so I could buy a copy of her book and have Mrs. Palin autograph it.Though it was cold and rainy, I stood in the cold for 9 hours, just a' waiting for the lady to sign my book. I even got a special plastic bracelet that said I bought the book and earned her autograph.Then all of a sudden she just up and left on her special bus, leaving about 500 of us just a' hanging without nothin but a card with her signature stamped on it by machine.While I am a good Christian lady, after this I think Sarah Palin oughtta just go fuck herself.

  6. The only political figure that makes me laugh harder than Sarah Palin these days is Linda McMahon.

  7. D-Cap, in honor of my devotion to you, I have coined a new term for Sarah Palin, which you may use at any time…Stuperficial.

  8. Ah cain't hardly spank it to yore photoshop trickeration the way ah can to thet thar Newspeak cover, Mr. hi-falutin DCap. But ah'll try, while a'hm a-waiteratin' in the wristband line at the Bugtussle Barnes n' Noble fer Mizz Sarah ta sign mah copy next week, like.yores,Cletus T. Poachpossum;>)

  9. Oh, good Lord, DCap. Your skillz are mad, your sense of humor mad. I love it. I am so tempted to get a copy of her book for laughs, but in the end I am not that ambitious.I am scared of this forecast of her being in a Hustler spread. Though it won't come until after she and Beck lose in 2012, it is inevitable.

  10. I meant sense of humor "bad", though it makes my comment no better.

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